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I came across this simple idea on
Pinterest (of course). How easy are these little tea bags. What a great idea, not to mention cute.
Maddie is especially excited as she realized her teapot from Christmas is actually « Mrs. Pots » from Beauty and the Beast (her new favourite show) and now she makes tea all the time.

Play tea bags. So simple and so cute. Very easy to make. Sew or no sew option. Lets have a tea party
My first try at them, I made a pattern (roughly the size of a real teabag) on paper and cut out the fabric pieces. I then sewed them right sides together and turned them. It is hard to turn these tiny pieces FYI.

Tea bag pattern and supplies.
Next I searched through my stash of odds and ends and found these pieces of twine like string? I think they were attached to something at one time for a bow or something. Not sure what to call them. Regardless, I cut them in 3 inch lengths. You could probably use any number of things like ribbon or string, anything at all.
I put a small amount of stuffing in each of them. I then glued these string pieces into both ends of the tea bags and stitched them once dry.
I have since found pictures of ones made without turning and simply cutting with pinking shears and then top stitching. I like the look of these too and it would save some frustration of turning them. I will try those next.

Tea bags in the making. Sew or no sew. Too cute.
I made a bunch as they are a great way to use scraps and so cute. You could do a no-sew version of this as well and simply glue it all.
I gave some to the daycare and I will give some to my nieces as well.
So far they are holding up nicely. My daughter loves having a tea party:)
Lynn Worrall